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British Library


Dear Anna,                 

On behalf of the British Library Board and all of my colleagues here at the British Library, I would like to congratulate the National Library of Armenia on its 105th anniversary. I hope that you and your staff thoroughly enjoyed your celebrations on 4 July, and we wish you continued success for the next 105 years.                 






CENL Chair

Dear Anna Chulyan,                 

Congratulations to the National Library of Armenia and all of its staff on its 105th birthday!                      

On behalf of the German National Library and also of the Conference of European National Libraries, I wish the National Library of Armenia all the best and a prosperous future.                     

Having such an active member in CENL is a pleasure!




National Library of Lithuania

Dear Dr. Anna Chulyan,                 

The Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania cordially congratulates the National Library of Armenia on the 105th anniversary.                
During this period the National Library of Armenia became the world largest repository of Armenian printed cultural heritage, information and innovation centre of national importance and made a significant contribution to the development of Armenian culture.                 
It is a great pleasure that both Armenian and Lithuanian National Libraries were involved in friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation.                 
I am sure that the cooperation between our libraries will continue to be fruitful and rewarding.                 






National Library of Spain

Dear Director,                 
From the National Library of Spain, we would like to take the opportunity of the celebration of the 105th anniversary of the creation of your Library to send you our warmest congratulations. I am sure that this celebration is a stimulus to continue working on the important mission of preserving the bibliographic heritage for future generations.                
In this objective, technical and cultural cooperation among the different national libraries is a key tool and I hope that in the future we will continue to find opportunities for collaboration. In this respect, as you know, the BNE intends to host an exhibition related to Armenian culture, so I am sure that we will be able to strengthen this collaboration. We really want to count on the National Library of Armenia in this project so we will be in touch in the near future.                
I would like to reiterate my congratulations on such an important anniversary.                 



Austrian National Library

Dear Director Anna Chulyan,                

On behalf of the Austrian National Library, it is my greatest pleasure to congratulate the National Library of Armenia to its 105th anniversary!                 
The National Library got its status on July 4 1919, when a law regarding the “National public book depository” was adopted. Since 1999, 4 July is celebrated as the Day of the National Library of Armenia, looking back to a long history of collecting Armenian cultural heritage and preserving the world largest collection of Armenian manuscripts and books.                 
For many years the National Library of Armenia has fostered cooperation with libraries and academic institutions on national and international level. We are grateful for the exchange of ideas and knowledge and your vivid contribution to CENL.                 






The Royal Library of the Netherlands

Dear Dr. Anna Chulyan and all colleagues at the National Library of Armenia,                 
On behalf of the National Library of the Netherlands, I extend our warmest congratulations on the momentous occasion of your 105th anniversary.                
We know the NLA has served as a cornerstone of Armenian culture and knowledge, fostering a deep love of learning and preserving the rich heritage of Armenia. The National Library of the Netherlands values the fruitful cooperation and exchange of ideas and resources that our institutions have enjoyed over the years. These collaborative efforts have been part of our joint ambition to be part of the global knowledge commons, and have strengthened the bond of friendship and mutual respect between our countries.                 




National Library of Poland


Dear Dr. Chulyan,                 

On behalf of the National Library of Poland and myself I would like to send our heartiest congratulations on the 105th anniversary of the National Library of Armenia.                
I would like to express our very best wishes for your continued success and prosperity.                 






National Library of Estonia

Dear Anna Chulyan,                 

It is our great pleasure to send congratulations from Estonia to the National Library of Armenia on your anniversary of 105 years!                 
It has been a privilege for the National Library of Estonia to be your cooperation partner in many international organizations. Thank you for storing and sharing the rich heritage of your country, it ensures the sustainability of culture both in Armenia and across the entire world. Although the past years have been testing ones for all countries and their libraries, we are sure there is a better future ahead!                 




National Library of Montenegro

Dear Anna,                

The National Library of Montenegro congratulates you and your colleagues great jubilee of marking 105th anniversary of the National Library of Armenia (NLA). Role of libraries in contemporary society as educational and cultural institutions is unreplaceable.                 
That's why we believe that contribution of your library to the cultural life of Armenia and to the education of young people is of crucial importance.                 





Russian State Library

Dear Anna Grayrovna, dear colleagues!                

Let me wholeheartedly congratulate you and your staff on this significant date — the 105th anniversary of the National Library of Armenia as a state public book depository!                 
Today we honor all the employees of the National Library of Armenia, who, at different periods of its development, carefully preserved the most valuable thing — the book!                 
The National Library of Armenia has come a long way from the library of the Yerevan district gymnasium to the world's largest repository of Armenian printed cultural heritage, overcoming the challenges of difficult times and defending its noble mission — to be an integral part of progress country in the areas of information policy, culture, education, science and economics and a knowledge center that contributes to the creation of values for the Armenian society.                 



National Library of Russia

Dear Anna Hrayrovna,           
Dear colleagues,                     

On behalf of the National Library of Russia, I congratulate you and the staff of the National Library of the Republic of Armenia on this significant day, the 105th anniversary of the granting of state status to the library.                   

The Library currently serves as the primary coordinating, methodical, and bibliographic center for the library society of the Republic of Armenia. As a scientific, educational, cultural, and informational institution, the library is responsible for the collection, processing, preservation, and distribution of Armenian printed heritage, as well as the fulfillment of the library's functions.                     





Russian State Children's Library

Dear Anna Grayrovna!                
Dear colleagues — employees of the National Library of Armenia!                

On behalf of the staff of the Russian State Children's Library, please accept our sincere congratulations on the significant date — the hundred-fiftieth anniversary of The National Library of Armenia having stated its status. This is a significant milestone in the history of cultural development of the Republic of Armenia.                
The library has been a treasury of world literature for almost two centuries, and since 1919 it has officially become a scientific, educational, cultural and information center of Armenia and the main repository of the Armenian language and literary heritage.                 
Over many years of activity, the National Library of Armenia has contributed to the maintenance and development of interest in books and reading, in rich national and world book culture, and in general — in the formation of spiritual appearance of the nation.                 






Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library

Dear Anna Grayrovna!                

We warmly congratulate you and the entire team on the 105th anniversary of the National Library of Armenia!                
Over the years the library has become the largest information, scientific, educational, and cultural center in Armenia.                 
It is no coincidence that the library is called the Palace of Books. We highly value our interaction and look forward to strengthening cooperation and implementing joint projects.                
We wish you and the entire team good health, new creative successes and achievements, good luck, and prosperity!                 




National Academic Library of the               
Republic of the Kazakhstan

Dear Anna Grayrovna!                 

On behalf of the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, I congratulate you and your staff on the 105th anniversary of the National Library of Armenia - the world's largest repository of Armenian publishing products and a center for national library science.                 
Your library today is not only a repository of books, but also a scientific information, research and cultural center, whose activities are aimed at the ideas of education and enlightenment. The team's high professionalism and creative capabilities have earned well-deserved recognition and respect from the library community, users and social partners.                 






National Library of the Kyrgyz Republic

Dear Colleagues!                

Dear Anna Grayrovna! Please accept sincere congratulations from the staff of the National Library of the Kyrgyz Republic and me personally on the occasion of your significant anniversary - the 105th anniversary of the founding of the National Library of Armenia!                 
For history, this date is not large, but for a particular library, it is significant, since it has gone through a long and interesting path of formation and development.                 
105 years is an age that allows us to confirm our rich work experience, talk about traditions and achievements, these are bright pages of biographies and the dedicated work of our employees.                




National Library of Uzbekistan

Dear Anna Hrayrovna,               

On behalf of the National Library of Uzbekistan, please accept our most sincere congratulations and best wishes on this significant event, the 105th anniversary of the foundation of the National Library of Armenia. Throughout this time, the National Library of Armenia has carried out the great mission of preserving books containing the wisdom and knowledge of mankind, making a unique contribution to the development of science, education and upbringing.                 
105 years are bright pages of biography and dedicated work, rich experience and search for news, authorities and names who created and are creating the library history of Armenia. Thanks to the rapid development of modern technologies, the library staff managed to preserve the best traditions of librarianship established by the founders of librarianship.                 






National Library of Tajikistan

Dear Anna Hrayrovna,               

On behalf of the State Institution "National Library" of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, I heartily congratulate you and your team on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the foundation of the National Library of Armenia.                    
Taking this opportunity, I would like to express the willingness of the National Library of Tajikistan to strengthen ties and expand cooperation between the two libraries, which will have a beneficial effect on the development and prosperity of the cultures of the Tajik and Armenian peoples.               




National Library of Kazakhtsan

Dear Anna Grayrovna!                

On behalf of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kazakhstan Library Union, I sincerely congratulate you and your staff on this significant date - the 105th anniversary of the National Library of Armenia.                
The history of the National Library of Armenia is closely intertwined with the fate of the country. You can rightfully be proud of the bright pages of your history, the names of those who stood at the origins of the creation of the library, who, through their everyday work, ensured its authority in society.                






Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia

Dear Mrs. Chulyan,,               

Please accept the warmest congratulations and best wishes on behalf of the management, the Academic Council, the entire staff and myself personally on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the foundation of the National Library of Armenia - the largest repository of Armenian printed materials in the world and the center of national librarianship.         
Did the prominent Armenian state, public and cultural figures, whose personal libraries became the basis for the formation of the National Library funds, as well as the heads of educational and training institutions, whose donations largely contributed to the replenishment of the funds, know that in years and decades the library would become a scientific and educational institution, an exceptional cultural and information institution, create the necessary conditions for the collection, processing, preservation and dissemination of the Armenian printed cultural heritage, and become the center of national bibliography?         




Armenian Educational Foundation

The Armenian Educational Foundation congratulates the National Library of Armenia on its 105th anniversary. Throughout its century-long history, the library has been and remains a beacon of knowledge, preserving Armenia's rich cultural heritage and serving as a vital center of learning and enlightenment. The collection, processing, preservation and dissemination of Armenian printed cultural heritage has changed the lives of many people and made a huge contribution to the educational growth of our society.              
We are glad that we had the opportunity to make our small contribution to the life of the National Library of Armenia.              
We hope that the library's constant inspiring activities will bring generations closer to enlightenment.               






The Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Foundation

Dear Mrs. Chulyan!               

On behalf of the team of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Foundation and my behalf, I cordially congratulate all current and former employees of the National Library of Armenia working under your leadership, and the reading public on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the National Library Foundation.              
As a unique custodian of our rich history and culture, the National Library has been fulfilling an important mission for more than a century without losing its relevance.               




National Children's Library after Khnko Aper

Dear Colleagues,                  

Since its creation, the National Library of Armenia, despite historical and political changes, has been and remains a symbol of Armenian statehood, helping to strengthen the foundations of Armenian statehood as a scientific, informational, educational and cultural organization. It contains books, periodical and non-periodical press of Armenia, scientific and information documents about the Armenian people.              

This is the largest library in the world, the collection of which contains the first printed Armenian books, the first printed periodicals, the first printed map and the first printed Bible and other rare publications and documents.                    






Yerevan Municipality “City Central Library after Av. Isahakyan” CNCO

Dear Mrs. Chulyan,               
Please accept congratulations from the library named after Isaakyan.               
Libraries enrich broad-minded generations, and broad-minded generations enrich themselves with broad-minded libraries...              
Today is the birthday of the largest repository of Armenian literature in the world - the National Library of Armenia.              
It is not its age that makes a library valuable, but the wealth of its holdings, the preservation of national and world printed and manuscript heritage, the services rendered to science, culture, and the functions it performs in the formation of an educated and literate society.               




Hasmik Karapetyan

Director of the National Library of Armenia Ms. Anna Chulyan and dear colleagues!               
The National Library of Armenia has played an irreplaceable role in the professional and general education of many generations and continues to educate readers today.                
Congratulations on the 105th anniversary of the founding of my beloved native library and wish you longevity and new achievements - for the benefit of preserving, popularizing, and universal recognition of the unique cultural heritage of our Holy Motherland.                






Arayik Manukyan

The National Library of Armenia celebrates its 105th anniversary, and this is a significant event in the life of the entire Republic of Armenia.               
105 years ago, when the Armenian people were building an independent statehood when the Armenian people were fighting for life, the need to preserve and popularize the printed heritage became obvious for the first time.               
All who were destined to lead the Armenian people at all turns of the century understood the meaning of the people's struggle, and over time the National Library became the world's largest repository of the Armenian printed heritage.               




Lori Regional Library

Dear Mrs. Chulyan,,              

The Lori Regional Library, represented by its director Hegine Halivoryan, sends a congratulatory message to the National Library of Armenia on the 105th anniversary of its founding.              

In one hundred and five years, you have created history, formed a unique literary culture, and dedicated your life to writing and protecting books. Our native library acquires knowledge and constantly works to disseminate and popularize Armenian and world writing and literature.               






Avik Isahakyan

I congratulate you on the 105th anniversary of the establishment of the library and the opening of the history exhibition hall, and I would like to once again emphasize the enormous role that the library has played in the spiritual and cultural life of Armenia, preserving hundreds and thousands of exceptionally valuable books, printed magazines, and periodicals. Indeed, it is the largest center for the preservation of Armenian books in the world.           




National Philharmonic Orchestra of Armenia

Dear Mrs. Chulyan,          

We congratulate you and the entire staff of the National Library of Armenia on the 105th anniversary of its foundation.           

With a 105-year history and being the largest repository of Armenian literature in the world, the National Library has been and remains a unique cradle of scientific, educational, spiritual, cultural and informational values and the dissemination of Armenian printed cultural heritage throughout the world.           






Tekeyan Cultural Union of Armenia

Dear Mrs. Chulyan,           

Please accept congratulations from the Tekeyan Cultural Union of Armenia on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the foundation of the National Library of Armenia.           
For more than a century, the library has welcomed many generations of readers, whose role has been and remains indispensable in the development of the most important areas of the country's development.           
The National Library is a powerful and strong support for our country, even in the era of information technology development, when the needs of readers have changed, the library is able to interest and unite the reading public.           
