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The National Library of Armenia aspires to provide the best possible conditions for the research and educational activities of its users by creating a quiet and comfortable environment in the circulation units. 

For this purpose, the NLA has defined terms of using the library to help us fulfill our mission, to ensure the preservation of the collections and to protect the rights of users and employees.




1.1. The National Library of Armenia is a major educational, cultural and informational institution, the main library that treasures the collection of book heritage and the legal deposit of documents (certificates) of the Republic of Armenia.                                       
1.2. The Library was founded in 1832 and received state status in 1919.                                       
1.3. The complete collection of the National Library has over 6 million items, including books, magazines, newspapers, maps, picture books, dissertations, abstracts, posters, microfilms, postcards, electronic media, etc.                                      
1.4. Both the aforementioned printed materials and the Library's electronic resources are publicly available, the usage of which is individual's sole responsibility. Therefore, in order to maintain, preserve and pass on all abovementioned to future generations, the terms of use are presented to help users and familiarize them with the features of service and maintaining the established order.                                      
1.5. The services of the National Library of Armenia are available for all citizens of the Republic of Armenia over the age of 16, as well as guests from other countries.                                      
1.6.  Address: Yerevan 0009, Teryan Street 72, website:, e-mail:                                      


2.1. Obtain a reader's card of the National Library of Armenia by submitting a passport, 1 photo /3x4cm/ to the "Registration Desk and Loans" sub-section of the circulation department,                                       
2.2. Քor by completing the online registration form on the website. Before the user comes to the library, the employee registers them in the system, sends the necessary information and a guide for ordering literature by reply letter. The user can pre-order the literature online, then come to the library, get the card at the Registration desk and go to the reading hall to read the ordered literature. 


3.1. ALLOWS:                                       

  • to have the access to the National Library of Armenia,
  • to order literature,
  • to use ordered and on-shelves literature,   
  • to enter other circulation departments of the library and use the services they provide.


  • to give the library ard to another person,
  • to enter the library with someone else's card and use library services, 
  • to use the library card for another purpose,
  • to violate the library card.                                 

NOTE: The library card is given to a user free of charge. In case of losing the card, the user must inform the employee of the registration desk. To restore the card, the user has to compensate the loss by paying 1000 AMD, in each subsequent case - 3000 AMD.


4.1. Users’ service is carried out in the following reading halls of the library's circulation departments:                                      
* Scientific and current periodical reading hall,                                       
* Tamanyan (main) reading hall,                                      
* “Arev” reading hall for blind and visually impaired users,                                       
* Abstracts & theses reading hall,                                       
* Registration desk and loans,                                      
* Computer reading hall.                                      
4.2. Other departments:                                      
* Art reading hall,                                       
* Music literature reading hall,                                       
* Rare book reading hall,                                       
* Bibliography and library science reading hall.


5.1. To get the necessary literature, the reader fills in the request form of the respective reading hall they use. The request form must be filled in clearly, legibly and in the language in which the given material is published.                                       
5.2. One request form is filled out for each item to be served.                                       
5.3. The user submits the completed request form along with the library card to the employee to check the accuracy of the request form and to know the service time of the requested literature.                                       
5.4. The user can access the electronic collection directory and order online or place a hold via their account (using the credentials provided by the Library upon registration).                                      
5.5. Պատվիրված գրականությունը ընթերցողը ստանում է համապատասխան ընթերցասրահում:                                      
5.6. Items served from depository are held for 30 days in the scientific reading room and 15 days in the general and current periodicals reading rooms.                                      
* In case the user wants to continue using the ordered literature after expiration of its loan period, they are required to re-order it and inform the respective employee.                              
* if the reader finishes using the ordered literature before the deadline, informs the employee at the reading room to return it to the depository.                                      
5.7. The right to borrow literature is first reserved by person who ordered it, and then it is served in a general order.                                      
5.8. The user presents the reading card to the employee of the reading room to receive the relevant literature, and then receives the literature.                                      
5.9. Upon receiving the ordered item, the user is obliged to check it and report any defects (missing pages, pictures, underlining, notes in the margins, etc.) to the employee of the respective reading room. Otherwise, they are responsible for any defects found during the return.                                      
5.10. After using the literature, the user hands over the ordered item to the employee of the reading room, the librarian returns the library card to the user.                                      
5.11. Rare, intact and archival literature, fine art materials, high-value luxury editions, maps, notes are not served in the reading halls of the circulation department. The above-mentioned materials are available in the reading halls of the corresponding departments. 


6.1. to give the library card to another person, to enter the library with someone else's card and use library services, to use the library card for another purpose, to violate the library card,                                      
6.2. to take out any printed materials or electronic devices from the Library and reading halls,                                      
6.3. to fold or dog-ear the pages, to make notes or highlights in the printed materials, to put any kind of objects inside the printed materials, to browse pages with wet or dirty fingers,                                       
6.4. to take away cards from library’s card catalogs, to make notes on them or move them,                                      
6.5. to make software or system changes in the computers allocated for users' service, to connect external memory drives,                                      
6.6. to post announcements, advertising and other materials, to make commercial deals,                                      
6.7. to conduct lectures, classes, tours, filming, etc. in the library area and reading halls without the permission of the library management,                                      
6.8. to conduct group lessons, to talk loudly, to read aloud, to perform any other noisy activity in reading halls, to disrupt public order,                                      
6.9. to insult or cause inconvenience to library staff and users,                                      
6.10. to reprimand other users: in case of any problem or disturbance, contact only the employees,                                      
6.11. to eat food or drink any liquid (except water) in the reading rooms (it is allowed to eat only in the place provided for that),                                      
6.12. to enter "staff only" areas of the library,                                      
6.13. polluting, spoiling, damaging library property, buildings, area, placing items on exhibition showcases, leaning on them, sitting on windowsills etc.,                                       
6.14. staying in the library area outside of user service hours,                                       
6.15. to enter to the library area with animals (except guide dogs for people with disabilities),                                      
6.16. to smoke in the library buildings and courtyard. Users who smoke on the premises of the library will have their library card blocked, and the user will be held liable in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On the Reduction and Prevention of Health Damages Caused by the Use of Tobacco Products and Their Substitutes" and the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Armenia dated 27.05.2020. 14-Ն,                                       
6.17. to enter the library in an inappropriate or not sober state, with torn clothes, barefoot, half-naked / naked, obviously unsanitary state;                                       
6.18. to bring any kind of alcohol or drugs into the library premises,                                      
6.19. to bring to the library any kind of munitions, drugs, cold weapons (bladed and throwing knives, swords, daggers, etc.), signal, gas or any other types of weapons, any kind of firearms, bullets and other dangerous substances and items that may harm library employees and users, as well as the materials and cultural values in the library,                                       
6.20. to leave personal belongings in the reading rooms or in the library (the Library is not responsible for their loss or damage),                                      
6.21. to violate the law of the Republic of Armenia on Administrative offenses, in which case the user shall be liable in accordance with the law above,                        
6.22. a verbal warning is given to a person, who breaks the restrictions first time. The second time the user’s library card is blocked according to the point 7.4.


Users who break these rules and cause material or moral damage to the Library bear administrative, material and criminal responsibility.                                      
7.1. The user who has damaged the printed material due to carelessness is obliged to replace it with the same new material.                                      
7.2. Users who damaged library’s property and equipment must pay the full amount needed to repair it.                                      
7.3. Users who damage library’s property and literature on purpose bear criminal responsibility.                                      
7.4. In case of breaking the rules of the National Library of Armenia, user’s library card is blocked for a term appointed by directorate.


8.1. Main reading hall, Scientific reading hall, Current periodical reading hall:                                       
Monday-Friday  09։00 – 21։00                                      
Saturday   09։00 – 20։00                                      
Sunday  09։00 - 17։00                                      
8.2. Reading room of dissertations and summaries:                                       
Monday-Friday 09։00 – 17։30                                      
8.3. Registration desk and loan:                                      
Monday-Friday  09։00 – 17։30                                      
Saturday  09։00 – 17։00                                      
closed on Sunday                                       
8.4. The reading rooms of other departments:                                       
Monday - Friday   09։00 – 17։30                                      
Closed on Saturday and Sunday