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Alexander Topchyan's novel "Bank Ottoman" in Czech

Sep 05, 2024 News


The novel by literary scholar, writer, and translator Alexander Topchyan, “Bank Ottoman,” was published in Czech in 2024 within the framework of the “Armenian Literature in Translation” program, supported by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Armenia and coordinated by the National Library of Armenia. “Bank Ottoman” is based on the story of a group of young Armenians who seized the Ottoman bank on August 26, 1896. The book also presents the situation of Western Armenians during the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid II.

Topchyan’s novel, published in 2008, has been translated and published in Romanian (2010), French (2011), Russian (2012), Persian (2019), Serbian (2019), Latvian (2021), and Macedonian (2023). In 2009, the Beirut publishing house Orel also published the novel in classical orthography.