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The award ceremony for the winners of the "Mother Tongue" (Reading) Olympiad

Mar 23, 2025 Events

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Today, on Book Giving Day, the National Library of Armenia hosted the award ceremony for the winners of the "Mother Tongue" (Reading) Olympiad, organized by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sport (MoESCS). Minister Zhanna Andreasyan met with the 30 winning students from 5th and 6th grades representing schools from Yerevan and various regions of Armenia. She read one of Ghazaros Aghayan’s stories, sparking a lively discussion with the children. 
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Following this, the students had the opportunity to meet renowned children's book translator Alvard Jivanyan, who spoke about the history of children's literature, the nuances of literary translation, and particularly about her work on the Harry Potter series.

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Anna Chulyan, Director of the National Library, congratulated the winners, calling them "Olympic champions of reading." Recognizing their love for books, the library made a special exception and granted them National Library reader cards. The event concluded with a tour of the library’s General Reading Hall and the Printing Museum, giving the young champions a deeper insight into the world of books and reading.

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