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Vardan Matteosyan’s Public Lecture “The Term ‘Great Genocide’ and Its Interpretations”

Jun 28, 2024 Events Public lecures


A wonderful public lecture on “The Term ‘Great Genocide’ and Its Interpretations” was held at the National Library of Armenia. The Armenian historian Vardan Matteosyan, analyzed the topic, which is important for the correct understanding and presentation of the most tragic page of our history. The lecture was devoted to the term “Great Genocide,” representing its historical and contemporary meaning. Vardan Matteosyan presented the results of his 10-year historical-comparative and linguistic research, in which he combined the development of the perception of the facets of the “Great Genocide” and the “Armenian Genocide” in international discourse, starting from Pope John Paul II to US Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden. In 2022, Vardan Matteosyan summarized and published his research and observations on this issue in a separate book, “The Politics of Naming the Armenian Genocide: Language, History, and Medz Yeghern.”

We cordially invite you to participate in the upcoming lectures and events of the National Library. You can find information about upcoming activities and events on our website and Facebook page.
