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French archivist-archaeologist Vadim Boehm spent his internship at the National Library of Armenia

May 24, 2024 News


Vadim Boehm, a French archivist-archaeologist, and graduate student at the Paris University of Archives, completed a two-month professional internship at the National Library of Armenia. From February to the end of April, he studied in the departments of art, rare books, public relations, foreign languages and the Printing Museum. In the Library Materials Processing Department, he learned using the KONA electronic system. Vadim claims that after spending two weeks at the Art department and getting acquainted with rare editions from the French collection of the National Library, he wanted to deliver a lecture dedicated to French romanticism, in particular, in memory of the painters Anne-Louis Girodet- Trioson, Theodore Gericault, and poet Andre Chenier. However, after studying the department's collection, he decided to focus on presenting printed materials from the Romantic period, woodcuts, and books of varied styles.

While studying the Nikoghayos Barseghyan Argoutinsky-Dolgoroukoff personal collections at the Old and Rare Books Department, Vadim prepared a lecture on book trends in the first half of the 19th century, with a particular focus on book design and distribution. A public lecture “Printing in France in the first half of the 19th century. History of printing, publishing and publishers from Firmin Didot to Jules Hetzel (1800-1860)” was organized as part of the Francofanie program. During the lecture on April 16, Vadim presented more than 30 rare books.


During his internship at the National Library, Vadim Boehm also took part participated in International Poetry Day and read French poetry. He met with the famous French writer Sylvain Tesson and journalist, and deputy director of Figaro magazine Jean-Christophe Buisson. Vadim donated a valuable collection of poems by the Provençal poet and Nobel Prize winner in literature Frederic Mistral to the National Library of Armenia. He received valuable books dedicated to Armenian artists and the history of Armenia as a gift from the National Library of Armenia.

In Armenia, he managed to read books by Grigor Zohrab, Siamanto, Hamastegh and other Armenian writers translated into French and noted that he was extremely passionate about Armenian literature, especially liking the prose of Grigor Zohrab. Vadim left for France greatly impressed, expressing deep gratitude to the National Library of Armenia “for the warm welcome given to such a complex experimenter”.
