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Book map of Armenia | october

Nov 13, 2023 News Book Map of Armenia

Oct 2023 Map in English 


For almost a whole year, Agatha Christie’s novels have been occupying leading positions in the lists of the most requested books in public libraries of Armenia. In October 2023, 11 novels by the Mystery Queen appeared on several library lists, with Crooked House and The Big Four among the top 10 most popular books of the month. 

Compared to previous months, the October lists are no longer dominated by literature from the school curriculum. Among the works of Armenian classical writers included in top-tens are books by Khachatur Abovyan, Hovhannes Tumanyan, Gabriel Sundukyan, Muratsan, Nar-Dos, Shirvanzade, Bakuntsi, Khachik Dashtens. Alex Michaelides, Erich Maria Remarque, Khaled Hosseini, Mark Levy, John Green, Jojo Moyes — these foreign authors, whose novels are still popular with readers and repeatedly appear on library top-lists. Some of them are represented by more than one book. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green probably doesn't stay for long on library shelves and is always on someone’s hand. 

Contemporary Armenian prose is also well represented on the library lists. Ani Mirzoyan, Anushavan Poghosyan, Ashot Aghababyan, Aram Pachyan, Gohar Navasardyan, David Samvelyan, Edgar Kostandyan, Edgar Harutyunyan, Ophelie Dalakyan, Ruben Yesayan. Some of the mentioned authors are already famous writers, while others still have a long way to go to reach the top of literary Parnassus. Reading is a never-ending process. Contemporary writers are taking the place of classics of previous generations. But time keeps only a few of them on the shelves of public libraries.
