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Vache Ghazaryan a famous journalist, publisher is one of the many devoted of the NLA who has been adding to its collection over the years

Jun 11, 2024 News Donations



As a unique national institution, the National Library of Armenia receives legal deposits of literature published in Armenia by the legal deposit law. Meanwhile, publications published in many centers of the Diaspora reach us through Armenian cultural organizations or individuals. Vache Ghazaryan, a famous journalist, publisher, and author of more than three dozen of his own and translated books, is one of the many devoted friends of the library, who has been adding to its collection over the years.

Vache Ghazaryan was born in Aleppo, graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Yerevan State University, and defended his doctoral dissertation on the life and work of Vahan Tekeyan. He held various positions in the Ramkawar Liberal Party until 1994, after which he devoted himself entirely to translation and publishing. Dr. Kazarian recently presented his 1995 award to the library. The National Library signed a memorandum with Mr. Ghazaryan, and all his books are now available for free use in the library’s digital storage.