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Public lecture | Satenik Avetisyan "Aksel Bakunts - 125"

Nov 25, 2024 Events Public lecures

Ակսել Բակունց. հանրային դաասախոսություն .. 

This year marks the 125th anniversary of Axel Bakunts's birth. In April, the National Library organized a reading marathon to popularize the legacy of the outstanding Armenian writer, in which dozens of libraries and hundreds of readers took part.

28.11.2024 հանրային դասախոսություն. ակսել բակունց

On November 28, Satenik Avetisyan, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, and Leading Researcher at the M. Abeghyan Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, delivered a lecture dedicated to Axel Bakunts at the National Library of Armenia. The topic of the lecture was "The Diversity of the Spiritual Archetype in Axel Bakunts's Prose"

The speaker analyzed the work of Axel Bakunts based on the theory of archetypes by Carl Gustav Jung, the founder of analytical psychology. Analyzing the themes of myths in which the same motifs, plots, and characters are repeated, Jung called them archetypes as universal phenomena. Satenik Avetisyan drew parallels between "The Foolish Man" by Hovhannes Tumanyan and "The Foolish Man" written by 14-year-old Axel Bakunts. She referred to three unfinished novels by Bakunts: "Mtnadzor", "Mirav", and "Alpine Violet".

28.11.24. ս.ա.

The lecture was attended by current and former students of Satenik Avetisyan, library staff, and readers.