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Yeghishe Charents. Bibliography: Valuable bibliographic publication

Nov 21, 2023 News

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On November 10, 2023, the National Library of Armenia hosted lovers of Charents. Together we celebrated publication of a bibliography of the poet Yeghishe Charents, a bright name, according to Louis Aragon, who crowned the very beginning of the 20th century. The book Yeghishe Charents. Bibliography summarizes information about the poet — publications from 1914-2022 are presented there: published works, books compiled, edited, translated by him, as well as publications about Charents. ։ 

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Chief editor of the book, Charents researcher David Gasparyan and the executive editor, deputy director of the National Library of Armenia Haykanush Kazaryan with scientific scrupulousness and bibliographic patience checked and verified the bibliographic data of all publications presented in the book. The event was attended by the director of the library Anna Chulyan, the representative of the Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, literary critic Arkmenik Nikoghosyan and the director of the Yeghishe Charents House-Museum Zhanna Manukyan who spoke at the event and valued the bibliography.  

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The presentation made it possible to replenish the rich collection of valuable publications of the National Library of Armenia. The exclusive book signed by Charents to Garegin Bes was donated to the library by Soho Center company. Opera singer Hasmik Papyan presented the library with a Charents edition translated into German, which was not represented previously within the library’s collections. The Charents House Museum donated various paper and electronic editions of poet's works to the library as well. 

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At the end of the event, composer Robert Amirkhanyan transported guests from the large Tamanyan Hall of the library to the country of Ament, performing unique musical works. Then the participants of the event visited the library exhibition of Yeghishe Charents editions. The event was covered by H1 TV channel, Armenpress News Agency, Alik-Media Information and Analytical website and by 10 other medias.

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