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Nikolai Grigoryan | "Resistant Armenia"

Nov 27, 2023 Events Public lecures

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At the National Library of Armenia, an expert in the field of crisis communications and information management, journalist, Major General of the Rescue Service Nikolay Grigoryan gave a lecture “Resistant Armenia”. The event was dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Spitak earthquake.

Nikolai Grigoryan gave examples from his personal experience of how unprepared our country was for the tragic earthquake in Spitak. As tragic as it may sound, this disaster marked the beginning of a comprehensive disaster management system in Armenia.   

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Armenia is a mountainous country, and earthquakes are the most common natural disasters here. Science does not yet know the exact way to predict earthquakes. Humanity will probably never be able to invent such a “device,” so we are forced to learn to live with earthquakes, learn to prepare for them, and develop rules of behavior to withstand disasters.   

The meeting participants watched the video “Living in a World with Earthquakes” made by the Emergency Channel, and then asked speaker many questions. Nikolai Grigoryan spoke about his future plans. Everyone was very interested in Nikolai Grigoryan’s plans to write a book about the heroes of the Armenian epic, an informal discussion of which continued at the coffee table.  
