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Pulbic lecture | Arthur Andranikyan «Ruben Sevak - 140»

Mar 22, 2025 News

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The circular hall on the second floor of the Tamanian building of the National Library of Armenia hosted another public lecture, this time dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the Western Armenian poet and genocide victim Ruben Sevak. The speaker was literary scholar and Candidate of Philological Sciences Arthur Andranikyan.

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Reflecting on the Armenian Genocide of 1915 and referencing the documentary collection "The Great Crime" by Western Armenian journalist, historian, and publicist Aram Antonian, Andranikyan discussed Armenian writers who perished in the genocide, with a particular focus on Ruben Sevak.

The lecture also touched upon Ruben Sevak’s love story with the German woman Yanni Appel and explored Andranik Tsarukyan’s novel Love Amid the Genocide and Alexander Topchyan’s Even After Death, both of which portray aspects of Sevak’s life and legacy.

To mark Ruben Sevak’s 140th anniversary, the Library’s Service Department has organized a literary exhibition in the Tamanian small exhibition hall, which will remain open until the end of February.